The Unspoken Words
Yesterday, while talking to the stars, I asked them "Why?" "What is the reason, Why I made her cry?" No answers came, I could not stop myself, drops fell down, my eyes were no more dry, I don't think she will ever talk to me now, even if I try. Slowly, I heard a voice,a star next to me, it said, "People who are close to you, whom you have already read, Why did you say all those words, even though they were not in your head, Now go, search and find her, before her eyes are more red, Try taking her in your arms, then cursing your confused head." "Does she loves me so much?" , a voice came from within , It has been 2 hours since, I talked to her, my messages she has not seen, Why I hurted her so much, so bad I have never been, "How is she ? All is good ?" , seeing the mobile screen ,I was very keen. " Never hurt the person who cares you for" said the shining star, " Hardly matters what will happen tomorrow, why are you ...