Azadi Mubarak Ho !!!
Dear All, Belated Happy Independence Day (72nd) Like all of you, even I was busy posting the updates on Whatsapp and Facebook about my country India, photos of our beloved Indian Flag and quotation to show that even though " My name is Khan, I am not at all a Terrorist ". Busy day infact, with my social media world. All the likes and comments and what not. It was around 11:50 pm, almost midnight 15th August, when I came across the above picture and my life came to a standstill. " EQUALITY OF STATUS AND OPPORTUNITY AND TO PROMOTE THEM AMONG ALL " A true Indian we are, isnt? We love our nation which can be easily proved from our respective social media pages, how concerned we are about our nation, great indeed. Guys, have you ever stopped a beggar (specially a child) on streets and asked them about the meaning of the word INDEPENDENCE ? Have you ever asked them whether they feel proud of living in a country who is celebrating the 72nd year ...