No Strings Attached πŸ€—❤️πŸ₯€

Dear Strawberry,

I thought of writing this letter long back, I mean a month ago but then, it was tough for me to push myself through all this. All this? Aah sorry, it's cool, never mind πŸ˜‚Though I don't understand how it is cool to break someone and go away? How is it cool to say that everything was a fucking mistake? How is it cool to say everything is over ? And my dear how is it cool to say that it is cool 😐I reminded you many a times, if you remember that don't throw me again in this shit, it was deadly for me the last time but you never heard me. 'MOVE ON', I have started hating this fucking word, that keeps ringing in my mind whenever I talk to someone near and dear.Well against all the odds, I am Happy to see you 'MOVE ON' in no time. Might be you were never close, just overflow of hormones that's it.

I seriously get a true feeling of a warrior fighting against all your memories, your promises, your expectations, your dreams and your desires. But then when you had two options left to choose from, Me & Happiness, I am glad that you made a better decision going with the latter one. I simply don't understand LIFE, as I never did. People who tend to be more close to you, leave you like strangers more easily than others, which law of attraction works here, Mr. Newton, you there?

Every morning I wake up and open my eyes and till the time I close them again, the same question, goes around every time, "What went wrong?" Your old messages, though everything is deleted, is in front of my eyes...I wish you a great life ahead, Happy belated birthday (I hope you got my mail) and don't regret for anything beautiful. Everything which happens, happens for a reason, there is nothing called as Bad or Good luck. Hope Miky is there with you, or you threw him away? πŸ˜‚ Man, don't hurt him please, for God's sake :) 😍

Much is to be said and discussed, you might be aware of the length of the messages I wrote to you. Never the less, I am just sending you Prayers through this letter. I don't LOVE YOU anymore but at the same time I just can't HATE YOU. You were right darling, "LOVE CAN'T BE FORCED". My BEST WISHES for all your future ventures. I just understood one thing, "Everyone comes in your life for a limited span of time, stays and then leaves away, everyone has some or the other specific role to play...unique and special." Your Role in my life is done and thanks for the time we had. Sorry to say, I don't have regrets and will never have one. Nothing was a mistake for me. It's just that I don't hear from you now and that bothers me a lot, I will get over it Sweetie don't worry. Just be happy and I think at the end of the story that matters the most.πŸ™

Allah Hafiz...


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